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Published on: 1980
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Julius Caesar was for a few years the undisputed master of the Roman world -- devoted to expanding Roman supremacy and his own fame. THE BATTLE FOR GAUL contains seven books of Caesar's Commentaries on his campaign in Gaul from 58 to 50 B.C. in their original narrative sequence. These unparalleled accounts of war in Western Europe in the closing years of the Roman republic are clear and exciting. We feel the immediacy of the moment as we listen to Caesar's dramatic story of his daring expedition into Germany and unprecedented bridging of the Rhine, the decimation of two Roman legions in a forest ambush, and the heroic last defense of 80,000 Gauls in central France. Asterix - Wikipedia Asterix the Gaul (1961) Asterix and the Golden Sickle (1962) Asterix and the Goths (1963) Asterix the Gladiator (1964) Asterix and the Banquet (1965) Asterix and ... The Glory of Pergamon in New York by G.W. Bowersock ... Dying Gaul; marble copy of a Greek bronze statue late third century BC. Roman taste for Hellenistic art continued unabated throughout the imperial age. HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY - Jesus Christ HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY The following is a capsule summary of the top 25 events in the History of Christianity events which shaped the Church itself ... The Veil of Isis or Mysteries of the Druids THE THE VEIL OF ISIS; OR MYSTERIES OF THE DRUIDS BY W. WINWOOD READE. (1861) "By the bright circle of the golden sun By the bright courses of the errant moon Browse By Author: D - Project Gutenberg D'Abbadie Arnauld. See: Abbadie Arnauld d' 1815-1894? Dabney Robert L. A Defence of Virginia And Through Her of the South in Recent and Pending Celtic Myth and Moonlight Sacred Paths This page about various sacred paths provides information on Asatru Celticism. Druidry Paganism Shamanism Spirituality Wicca Witchcraft and more. As time ... Cornelius Nepos: Lives of Eminent Commanders (1886) pp ... CORNELIUS NEPOS. ----- LIVES OF EMINENT COMMANDERS. ----- PREFACE. I do not doubt that there will be many 1 Atticus who will think this kind of writing 2 ... John of Salisbury Policraticus Books 1 2 3 FRIVOLITIES OF COURTIERS AND FOOTPRINTS OF PHILOSOPHERS. Being a Translation of the First Second and Third Books and Selections from the Seventh and Eighth Books of ... Lugdunum - Wikipedia Colonia Copia Claudia Augusta Lugdunum (modern: Lyon France) was an important Roman city in Gaul. The city was founded in 43 BC by Lucius Munatius Plancus. Useful dates in British history - John Owen Smith British Local History and Genealogy - useful dates timechart
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